Professional translation in just a few steps
There are many occasions when a professional translation is indispensable. Whether you want to address your customers in their native language on your website, are a company planning the construction of a new wind turbine abroad, are an association organizing an international conference or are privately preparing your wedding with many guests from all over the world – the professional document translations from Comtext Sprachenservice ensure precision, clarity and thus a comprehensive understanding of your concerns in every language.

- Scan or photograph your document.
- The document should be as legible as possible.
- Texts you have written yourself (letters, operating instructions, etc.) are best sent in an editable format - e.g. as a Word file.

- Desired output and delivery format
- Appointment request
- Language pairs
- Possible legal requirements / formulations

- Fill in the information about yourself or your company.
- Select the desired language combination and upload your documents.
- Activate your request by clicking on "Request a quote".

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail!

- Scan or photograph your document.
- The document should be as legible as possible.
- Texts you have written yourself (letters, operating instructions, etc.) are best sent in an editable format - e.g. as a Word file.

- Fill in the information about yourself or your company.
- Select the desired language combination and upload your documents.
- Activate your request by clicking on "Request a quote".

- Desired output and delivery format
- Appointment request
- Language pairs
- Possible legal requirements / formulations

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail!

During the entire translation process, a dedicated project manager is available to answer all your questions by phone or e-mail. He or she is your personal contact and is responsible for all communication between you and the translator, proofreader and other parties involved.